The Arrival, Cairo Egypt!

Only a couple of words can explain my arrival. A major head rush. I cannot think of any other words. Very long flight to Amsterdam, plus the layover. On the plane to Egypt, I sat by a woman who lived in Canada but was from Egypt. We had a great visit and she had some connections at the airport. They expedited us right on through without any questions. She was of great help, not that it would have been any problem getting in the country. She left her number and I am going to buy her and her husband dinner. She said they would be willing to take me around and she has conections if need be.

The hotel forgot to pick me up, no big deal, the woman talked to the taxi for a good price and they drove like crazy through Cairo at 120 KM, honking at everything in the road. I arrived at the hotel around 4am and the building looked like some nightmere coming out of a moive. Although once I got up to the hotel on the 5th floor, it was to dark to see the lift, everything was fine. There was some loud prayer calls which echos in the whole building, although good thing they make ear plugs. I slept until 2pm, found some bottled water, had a good lunch and feel real good right now. I am sitting in a cyber cafe writing this post.

The hotel is fine for the money, no complaints. Really, I am filled with laughter, the guy sitting next to me is from India, we agree that Cairo is kind of crazy.

Crossing the street in Cairo by chance? Walk with a local or you might be ran over.

I am staying at the hotel for 5 nights, tomorrow I am going to get my visa extended, it really is very inexpensive here.

Excuse any type-o’s and miss spellings in any posts.