The Heat is Rising—Bulgaria.

Here are some pictures of the house. The winter dwelling place with the running water and shower room is the white building with the window, which is detached from the summer house.

The last week I have been slowly working out at the house within the summer heat. Jivko will head out with me on Monday and Tuesday to help paint and get the plumbing up in the shower room. The last week worked out well being at the house alone, I got a good feel of the area and I think I will really enjoy living at the house. On the property there are four different types of plum trees, one apricot tree, one cheery tree, one late peach tree, and two walnut trees. The garden area is well over 200 square meters.

We started painting, so all we will have to do is set up the plumbing in the shower room, lay the tile in the whole house, and then paint the windows.

The Huge Walnut Tree.

In the mean time we are building a wooden shade area which we will plant a grape vine. I will put a tarp over the wooded frame for the time being, or possibly cover it with wood beams.

I will be researching how to preserve the fruits for the winter. I will plant lots of herbs—the first thing is to plant some mint, although there is some low grade wild mint in the year near the ant hill. There is a huge ant hill against the fence. We cleared out a dormant ant hill, which consisted a major amount of sand. As you can see from the pictures the walnut tree is huge.

This is a picture of the Parrot I was pet sitting.

I am contemplating on setting up a process to catch the rain water into a 1000 liter bin and pump it out for the garden including the water from the well. There is really no other way to water the garden. I am not to sure how we are going to plow, we might try to man powered style, if that fails then we might ask the neighbors if they have a horse or donkey to pull the plow.

I should have more pictures posted soon.