Quick update: Traveling South East Turkey has been hassle free with very few tourists. The Middle East Lonely Plant guide is slightly worthless, although I am doing fine without a detailed travel guide. From Van I will be heading north, Van is the last town of the Kurdish area of Turkey. After visiting Van I will be stopping at two or three towns in the mountains and then head for the Black Sea.
I have contacted several organic farmers through the Internet. One guy in Bulgaria says I can show up anytime, and several in Israel that are inviting me to their farm. Most likely I will be entering Israel after traveling Turkey. The steady pace I have been traveling at should put me in the west of Turkey by mid-October. Entering into Israel would be best, once I head north into Eastern Europe I might not end up south again. If I stay in Israel for the winter I could organic farm, couch-surf, and slowly travel the country. Even if I only stay three months in Israel would be OK; I would head to Greece or Bulgaria in February, there are many organic farming in Greece, also.
I am hitting several towns that are not on the above map, you may want to look up a google map of Turkey if your interested on the location of the town that I visited.
Van is a complete contrast to Tatvan, Van has the feel of a modern city as in Antep. The difference of the towns and the region is really interesting. The cooler weather is a relief, the area of Van Lake has been foggy and cool.
I just met a couple from Israel here in Van, we went for lunch today. Very nice people with interesting stories from their country, I am looking forward to visiting Israel.