The Archives of Traveling Egypt

Egypt was the first country to travel upon the departure of America on November 11 2007. I posted 77 times throughout 5 months of travel. Here are all the posts from old to new of my travels of Egypt.

sailboating down the nile river

The majestic land of Pharaohs and the Great Pyramids, Egypt is chaotic and beautiful. However, nowhere else in the world can you find the ambience and the wealth that Egypt offers to travelers. While most people travel to Egypt to see the Pyramids, the country offers many more wonders to explore. Not surprisingly, Egypt is Read more

The overall travel tour of Egypt. I arrived in Cairo November 13th 2007. Departed Egypt for Jordan April 22nd 2008. Upon the arrival I stayed at the Richmond hotel for six nights. Due to the change in cultures, the smog, and the noise in the largest city in Africa – I took the train to Read more

Soon I will be heading to Jordan, most likely in a few days. Nuweiba has been very nice, a good place to ponder the last five months of travel. I am ready to head out, I am not going to wait until May 1st. The heat is on, it will be a very warm summer Read more

Like I have said before, last but not the least; Nuweiba is very nice place with very few tourists, its great. This area use to be packed with Israeli tourists, although since the time of the intifada, the Israeli’s stopped coming to Nuweiba. Tarabin is the area with all the camps, but nowadays it’s like Read more

I will be heading to Nuweiba soon. It has been five months since my arrival to Egypt. Most people, including Egyptians look at me like I am nuts for traveling Egypt for so long, although, everyone does have a different perception of time. My perception is that it really hasn’t been all that long of Read more

The Mountain of Moses – a place and a person most everyone one has heard of. A place that is debated among the so-called scholars of this world, rightly so, they do have a point. Nevertheless, through consciousness by using Kensiology muscle testing, Mount Sinai is where Moses got the Ten Commandments and the laws Read more

This is the Mountain of St Katherine, the tallest mountain in Egypt.I just posted over 100 pictures on shutterfly.I decided to head back to Dahab for a few days before going to Nuweiba. I was able to take a close look at the Middle East Lonely Planet book from a fellow traveler for what my Read more

I have been basking in the area of Mount Sinai, which the town is called St Katherine and also El Milga which defines as – meeting place. This is a wonderful area, the energy is fantastic. I have throughly explored the whole area and climbed Mount Sinai – Moses Mountain is what people call it Read more

Quick note – I am totally recharged and ready to head out of Dahab. House-sitting/Couch-surfing has made all the difference. A person’s needs are always met in the moment – if direction is provided . It has been an interesting stay here in Dahab. I have observed different sides to this dive haven of a Read more