New Kittens and Family Food.

So Mitko’s cat, my friend in the neighboring town had three cute little kittens.

His family and I took an outing over by the mountain in the south and visited a very old monastery and a castle that was a stronghold for the passage into the valley. I will post some of the pictures soon.

This Mitko, his bother and his mom, his dad decided to stay home that day.

It is dinner time. Mitko and his family cooks a Turkey in this very special old oven that his grandfather built and look what comes out. This traditional aspect in the villages and towns of Bulgaria is what makes Bulgaria, and hopefully they will not loose it with the onslaught of western imperialism. The modern world of corporation dominance looses all qualities of tradition and everything is converted into cheap hormonal meat, and into the phoniness of plastic.

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  • TheTravelBug April 18, 2010, 1:12 pm

    The traditional village ways are what makes Bulgaria – goats and sheep wandering down the street, everyone growing their cabbages…..

    I moved to Bulgaria in 2006 to a village – not always easy life but lots of benefits.

    Bulgaria & Beyond.