Some Monkey Business in India

monkeys in india

I am severally behind in posting current information. The home-stay in Hyderabad was the best of the best. I am planning on visiting the family for a weekend before I leave the country in April. So far I have observed two house warming parties, one baby shower, and one pre-wedding party.

I am heading to the area of Bhubaneswar for 10 days and will try to update the blog with pictures and more information.
2010 travel path in india
After Bhudaneswar I will be visit Calcutta and then Darjeeling on my way to visit Sikkim. Then I will travel the North and back to the South. The travel plan changed a bit. However, through the family I might be renting a flat in Varanasi for a month. The last place I expected to rent a place. Vanarnasi is the most spiritual/religious place in India. I am looking into getting some mobile broadband internet.

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  • Coach December 10, 2010, 9:59 pm

    Wow… that’s quite a hectic trip across the country! May I ask how you found the homestay in Hyderabad? I’m planning a trip to India (mostly the North-East though.. have yet to visit Assam etc and heard it’s really beautiful) – it would be much nicer organising a home stay of some sort rather the hotels. There’s no date on your post so not sure when you did (are doing!) this trip.. looking forward to the photos 🙂